Monday, August 27, 2007

Itty Bitty Diapers

Since the sewing room is clean, I just had to use it. That and I don't have nearly enough diapers for a newborn. At least it doesn't seem like it. I know I made it through the last 2 just fine, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing a bag of diapers. Maybe it will be found during this weekend's garage purge.
Granted there are other things I should probably be doing--like paying attention to my children. To my credit, they've only had 1 movie today and they've played together and with the neighbors the rest of the day. They've been great actually.
So, the diapers are a preemie version of some pockets I have for G. It seems so weird to be sewing something so tiny since I've been making XL diapers for so long now. I wanted something that would be quick and easy to use on a very tiny squirmy baby. They have a waterproof (PUL) outer, a microfleece inner, aplix fastener, and I made double layer hemp fleece stuffers. I figure I can layer them for now and use them as doublers later. 'At's my plan anyway. I have 4 so far. It took me a couple of hours total and I used stuff I already had on hand. Beats the $15 or so per dipe plus shipping!

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