Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Birthday!

The E is 2 today!
As is our family tradition, we sang "Happy Birthday" to him this morning. Near the end of the song, G waves his hands saying, "Stop! Stop! You can't sing that. Not yet!"
"Yes, Sweetie, it's his birthday, we can sing to him today."
"No, not yet. There's no presents!"
"Oh," I explained, "it's his birthday all day. You can even have a birthday without presents."
Stunned and offended look.
"Because a birthday is the celebration of the day you were born. It's a day, and sometimes we have a party that day."
"With presents."

Gotta know your priorities in this life!

1 comment:

Shady Lady said...

Do you mean that presents aren't the most important thing?!