Friday, May 22, 2009


E loves our new baby. Trouble is, he loves her a bit too much. Know what I mean? We have a doll that M named "new baby" when he got it when he was about 2 or 3. Funny enough, he picked out a black, boy doll. So, I keep telling E to get the baby doll. He is not to be fooled. He knows that our doll looks nothing like the baby he wants to hold! So off to the toy store we went. What kind of family has to finally search out a white doll dressed in pink? LOL
He loves his new doll. We couldn't get buckled into the car seat until the doll was out of her box. He tried to put her in the pouch, so I made him one of his own. Now, when he tries to yank his sister out my lap, I can tell him to go get his baby. So far so good.
I took some cute pictures of him with the doll. Here he is on his potty sharing the dolls pacifier. Funny, since neither he nor his sister would have ANYTHING to do with a paci!

And a great big kiss. I think I mentioned how everytime E says "baby" it has to be followed by a kiss to baby's head. Well, same rules apply apparently!

I'm loving baby M's feet. She always has her toes flared like this. Too cute. I know it won't last. :(
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Kathy said...

I love that story! How cute! What a sweetie he is.

Anonymous said...

I am loving the pictures of your kids. They are so darn cute! Keep 'em coming.