Monday, April 06, 2009

Random baby sewing

I have managed to get some sewing done. Some of it even baby sewing!

Here's two outfits I made from Ottobre Patterns. They still need snaps. Which are in a box in the garage. Somewhere. I'm pretty sure...

My version of a Binsi skirt. Since I never spend that much on clothes, and it's just a skirt, I figured I could do that! Plus I got to pick out the fabric I loved. Isn't sewing great. I didn't do a drawstring. I think they are a pain to put in, and I didn't want one dangling around anyway. If I decide I want a different fit later, I can always take in the elastic.

This one isn't for me, but I have another one cut out and ready to go. Different fabric, but same color scheme. This is for a woman who is due with her first (a boy!) just after me. So I made this mei tai for her shower gift. There are a few little things that I wish I had done better, but not enough to go back and fix them. I'm getting lazy!
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Shady Lady said...

You are the sewing goddess!

I miss you!! Maybe a visit to Village this week? Nourishing Traditions at 12:30 tomorrow?

RasJane said...

Awww, shucks. Thanks.
I was going to try today. We'll see how the morning goes!

TopHat said...

Wow! I'm afraid of getting into sewing. I already have one expensive hobby- don't want another.

But those are great. Maybe someday I will sew...

Chic Mama said...

Very cute! Nice work! Found you on the May DDC!