Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It Hailed?!?!

I can't believe it hailed in MAY!! It hailed for a little while last Wednesday, then hard again on Friday (5/4). Not only did it hail, but it lasted about 10 minutes. Long enough for the kids to get shoes, raincoats and one of my stainless bowls to try and catch some of the hail. But then it warmed right up to 75+ yesterday and we were plenty warm. M talked me into buying a pool at Target. We're ready for summer I guess.

"What is this stuff, Mom?"

"BRRRRRR," says M.

Yup, that's hail. It looks just like a skiff of snow. G thought it was and it really got his hopes up. He was remembering the snow storm in January and probably hoping to work on his throwing arm aiming snowballs at M.


PapaCoyote said...

Cute kids. Hail! Did M try to catch a hail stone in his mouth? Papa Coyote remembers Middleton's baseball team taking their infield followed by my team's infield, then a meeting with the umpires to exchange line ups, then came the hail. When the storm quit after about ten minutes there was 3 inches of small hail stones covering the field. We had to wait nearly an hour for the sun to melt the stones away so we could play ball. My team was pretty bummed because we had no dugouts and no place to get cover, while the Middleton team crawled like the low life they were into their bus for cover and extended no invite to us to come join them. We crushed them in the ensuing game.

K said...

Your kids are SOOOOOO adorable!!! I love the pants :)