Monday, March 28, 2011

Sewing for royalty

These are 3 of the crowns I made for E's preschool.  I keep forgetting to take pictures of the ones I made for my OWN children.  I also made a cape for E and will make one for little M too.  I totally love sewing like this.  Quick and easy.  Instant results--well, almost instant.  But much faster than entire outfits, that's for sure.
These are Ottobre again.  Issue 4/04.  I cut down the size on the crowns just a little.  Since I was making them for preschool heads, I just removed one side of the tab.  I also used velcro on the capes.  I never use anything that ties around the neck.  The pattern may actually call for velcro, I don't know as I didn't actually read it LOL.


Lindsay Z said...

Those are SO fun!

Shady Lady said...

You're just so cool!!!

Sarah said...

The kids LOVE them...they have requested more if you have time. :-) heheh Dalana would like a princess one (heheh) She cracks me up!! THANK YOU!!!

RasJane said...

Sarah--I have more! I still need to make up some princess ones, so I will get on that. And I'm altering the pattern to fit an adult, so we can get the "Queen of Preschool" outfitted. lol